FMC launches at-plant corn fungicide

fmc logoFMC has laucnhed Xyway 3D fungicide, the first at-plant corn fungicide to provide season-long disease protection. It combines the triazole fungicide, flutriafol, with unique at-plant flexibility, according to a company news release.

When soil-applied, the active ingredient is rapidly taken up by plant roots and is quickly translocated throughout the plant before diseases emerge, providing early, systemic and long-lasting residual disease protection.

Xyway fungicides will be available commercially for the 2021 growing season. Xyway 3D fungicide is formulated exclusively for the 3RIVE 3D in-furrow application system, which allows growers to cover more ground in less time with fewer refills.

It has received Environmental Protection Agency registration for foliar disease protection from gray leaf spot, Southern corn leaf blight, Northern corn leaf blight, common rust, head smut and common smut. State registrations are pending.

FMC has an additional formulation with EPA registration pending — Xyway LFR fungicide, which is formulated for use with liquid fertilizer application systems. FMC is seeking registration for the same disease spectrum as Xyway 3D fungicide.

Proven performance

In research and field trials throughout the United States, flutriafol demonstrated efficacy against gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight and common rust. Late-season disease severity ratings averaged for those three diseases across multiple trials were half that of the untreated check and statistically equivalent to competitive foliar treatments, according to the news release.

Across the Mid-South, multiple research trials on Xyway fungicide formulations yielded an average of 13.7 bushels per acre more than the untreated check, and yields were statistically the same as competitive R1 foliar treatments of Trivapro or Headline AMP fungicides.

Across 42 U.S. trials in 2019, tests on Xyway fungicide formulations averaged an extra 8 bushels per acre compared to the untreated check.

Flutriafol is a member of Fungicide Resistance Action Committee’s Group 3 and is a demethylation inhibitor (DMI).

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