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Lia Guthrie – Publisher/Vice President

Lia Guthrie
Lia Guthrie, Publisher/Vice President

A native of Leland, Mississippi, Guthrie grew up on a family farm. She graduated from Mississippi State University with a bachelor’s degree in Horticulture and a master’s degree in Agricultural Extension and Education. While in graduate school, she studied under cotton geneticist Dr. Bill Meredith at the USDA-ARS Delta States Research Center in Stoneville, Mississippi. After graduation, Guthrie worked for Cotton Grower magazine as field editor, followed by five years as a market news reporter for the USDA-AMS Flue-Cured Tobacco Division.

She was heard daily on regional radio programs with market reports for the area. Guthrie began writing for Cotton Farming in 1992. She became regional sales representative in 1993. She was promoted to national accounts manager in 1995 and associate publisher in 2000. Guthrie served on the executive committee of the National Agri-Marketing Association for three years, and she participated in the program committee for the Cotton Foundation. She became vice president/publisher in 2005.

Lia Guthrie
Publisher/Vice President
Phone: 901-497-3689

Amanda Huber – Editor

Amanda Huber has been the editor of Peanut Grower magazine since 1999 and Southeast editor of Cotton Farming since 2000. She also is editor of Corn South.

Huber’s experience in the peanut industry began in 1992 when she served as executive director of the Florida Peanut Producers Association. Through this experience, she gained a knowledge and understanding of the industry by being involved in various issues and events, including the 1996 Farm Bill.

By continuing to be actively involved in the industry, Huber is better able to identify topics and provide news stories to fulfill the mission of Peanut Grower. She also attends meetings and field days to provide news and information for Cotton Farming.

Huber, a Florida native, attended the University of Florida where she earned two bachelor’s degrees in agronomy and agricultural communications in 1992. In 2002, she completed a master’s degree in agricultural communications.

Amanda Huber, Editor

Her current occupation combines two of her passions: agriculture and writing. Huber now lives on the family farm in Bronson, Florida, where she grew up.

Amanda Huber
Phone: 352-284-9914

Cassidy Nemec – Copy Editor

Originally from Waco, Texas, Cassidy Nemec grew up scouting fields alongside her father. She graduated from Baylor University in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Business Fellows and Journalism New Media. In 2022, she graduated from Texas A&M University School of Law with a master’s degree in Energy & Environmental Law.

Before getting back into agriculture, Nemec worked in athletic hospitality for a stint. Her heart, though, remained in the ag industry. She had written and photographed for both Cotton Farming and Cotton Grower magazines prior to joining One Grower Publishing.

Cassidy Nemec, Copy Editor

Nemec comes from a long line of agricultural pioneers, her father and grandfather both being former Cotton Consultant of the Year recipients. She has a great reverence for being able to honor and help the industry in which she has her roots.

Cassidy Nemec
Copy Editor
Phone: 254-855-2879

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