Breaking News

Salute to Service: Mahindra’s Military Giveaway is Here

Mahindra Launches 11th Annual Military Salute Giveaway to Thank Our Military Mahindra Ag North America (MAgNA) announced the return of an exciting tradition: the annual Mahindra...

LeadAR Leadership Program Accepting Applications

⋅ BY REBEKAH HALL ⋅ University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture LeadAR, the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture’s leadership program, is accepting applications...


Cover Crop Termination And Preparation For Planting

Cover cropping is a popular agricultural topic primarily driven by the goal of improving soil health and water quality. Cover crops produce vegetation that...

Editor’s Note

Farmers’ Economic Perspective

Numbers tell a story but maybe not the whole story. In July and August 2024, Auburn University’s Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology held 11 focus groups in Alabama with 115 farmers, agribusiness owners,  employees, processors, manufacturers and agricultural lenders. Mykel Taylor, interim department head, and Kelli Russell, assistant Extension professor, led the effort to gather firsthand perspectives on agriculture and economic development in words and not just...

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Crop Protection

EPA Opens Public Comment on Draft Guidance for Pesticide...

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking public comment on draft guidance to improve the efficiency of EPA’s Endangered Species Act (ESA) analyses...

Equipment & Technology

UGA’s Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture to host international...

⋅ BY DAVID MITCHELL ⋅ Crop and livestock farms throughout Georgia are in a perpetual exchange of ideas and innovations to solve challenges that have...