Monday, January 20, 2025

Texas A&M to host hands-on soil fertility lab series

tilled ground
Soil fertility and plant nutrient availability will be discussed in the three-part series — photo by Kay Ledbetter, Texas A&M AgriLife

Producers in the Hutchinson County area will have a unique opportunity to attend a limited-seating Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrient Management Hands-On Lab Series hosted by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Feb. 16, March 2 and March 4.

The meetings will be from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Feb. 16 and from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. March 2 and March 4 at the AgriLife Extension office in Hansford County, 223 Main St., Spearman.

“This will be a very intense soil fertility program where producers can conduct lab tests on their soil,” said Kristy Slough, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent, Hutchinson County. “This hands-on lab will focus on teaching producers why and how their actual soil is affected by fertility, not just lecture about general soil fertility.”

Seating is limited to 20 people, and registration is $100. The fee covers three meetings, lunch at each, and the cost of soil and water tests. Seating is limited to the first 20 participants who RSVP to Slough, 806-878-4026, or Matt Whitely, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent, Hansford County, 806-659-4130.

All sessions will be led by Drs. Jourdan Bell, AgriLife Extension agronomist, Amarillo, and Katie Lewis, Texas A&M AgriLife Research soil scientist, Lubbock. They will cover the following topics: basic soil structure, texture, movement of water, cation exchange capacity and soil pH, macro and micro nutrients, and limiting nutrients.

The program will also include guest speaker Neal Kinsey, owner/operator of Kinsey Agricultural Services. Kinsey is the author of “Hands-On Agronomy” and a frequent guest speaker on Ag PhD Radio.

The program is jointly sponsored by Cotton Incorporated, Texas Corn Producers and Texas Wheat Producers.

Texas A&M AgriLife contributed this article.

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