UK to host irrigation workshop, Feb. 19

University of Kentucky logoThe University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment will host a Kentucky Irrigation Workshop, Feb. 19, at UK’s Research and Education Center in Princeton.

During the workshop, scientists with the UK Grain and Forage Center of Excellence and the Kentucky Geological Survey will share their most recent research results from their irrigation-related studies in row crops. They also would like to discuss possibilities for future research in this area with workshop participants.

“Even though we have been doing irrigation research for at least five years, we feel like we are just beginning as well,” said Chad Lee, director of the Grain and Forage Center of Excellence. “We think we have some good results to share with growers and consultants, but we hope to learn from them also.”

Participants will hear from scientists about results on the following research projects: corn, soybean and water demands and the need for irrigation in Kentucky; a summary of center-pivot systems in Western Kentucky and underlying variables; an on-farm study on soil spatial variability and its implications for variable-rate irrigation; and testing irrigation schedules in wet summers.

The half-day workshop begins at 8:30 a.m. CST with registration and concludes with lunch at noon. Kentucky Farm Bureau is sponsoring the workshop.

To register, please email Colette Laurent, UK grain crops coordinator, at

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