Corteva’s Prevathon Now FMC’s Vantacor

vantacor logoTexas A&M University Extension agronomist Calvin Trostle reports that Corteva insecticide Prevathon, formerly from DuPont, is now a product of FMC under the name Vantacor. He says instructions for crops and pests are mostly the same; however, the percentage of active ingredient Rynaxypyr, or chlorantraniliprole, is different.

“This leads to significant changes in the labeled application rates. Prevathon was 5%. Vantacor is 47.85%. Chlorantraniliprole targets the worms, such as corn earworm, and Prevathon has had a history of effective insect control.”

Trostle says producers need to read and follow the Vantacor label for rates, application timing and other specific instructions for pests or crops.

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