AgVenture Midsouth Dulaney Seed
RL6991HB (106 RM)
- Good standability throughout the season with superb roots
- Great drought tolerance combined with excellent heat tolerance
- Herculex I Insect Protection with impressive yield potential
- Great early option for South with two years of performance history
R7844 (110 RM)
- Adapted to both high yield and high stress conditions
- Very good Greensnap resistance and good Goss’s wilt resistance
- Wide area of adaptation; start harvesting sooner
RL8537YHB (113 RM)
- Optimum Intrasect insect protection
- Very upright, healthy plant style
- Very good roots and healthy canopy in the fall
- Early corn with dryland suitability and drought tolerance
RL8899YHB (115 RM)
- Optimum Intrasect insect protection
- Big, robust plant type with very large ear size potential
- Herculex I trait with corn borer protection and dual herbicide
- Impressive high yield potential hybrid with staygreen
- Good GLS and NCLB disease resistance
- Also available in R8899 Refuge
RL9256HB (117 RM)
- Herculex I trait package
- Elite Southern genetics with very high multi-year performance
- Medium tall flex ear hybrid • Excellent stalk and root strength
- Great response to high yield management on good ground
- Withstands high heat and drought stress very well
- Also available in R9256 Refuge
RL9583YHB (118 RM)
- Optimum Intrasect insect protection
- Unique, Southern genetics with very high quality grain and yield
- Open husk ears with hard, orange tint grain
- Very good overall leaf disease resistance and excellent staygreen
- Very good GLS tolerance and overall plant health
- Moderate plant stature with great stalks and greensnap tolerance
- Also available in R9583 Refuge
RL9633YHB (119 RM)
- Optimum Intrasect insect protection
- Good leaf disease resistance, very good staygreen
- Excellent heat tolerance and good drought tolerance
- Strong stalk and root strength for very good standability
RL9795HB (121 RM)
- Herculex I trait package
- Outstanding GLS and overall leaf disease tolerance
- Very high yield potential on good soils with irrigation
- Tall plants with excellent late-season stay green and intactness
- Moderate flex ears with quality grain and complete husk coverage
- Also available in R9795 Refuge
RL9801YHB (120 RM)
- Best yield potential under irrigation and high management
- New genetics with Optimum Intrasect insect protection
- Tall plant type can be used as a silage option
- Well adapted to Deep South growing conditions
RL9858HB (120 RM)
- Herculex I trait package
- Outstanding multi-year full season performance results
- Deep South genetics designed to withstand heat stress
- Huge ear size potential with large kernels; good test weight
- Tall plants with outstanding tonnage and quality for silage
- Also available in R9858 Refuge
East Tennessee / North Carolina
Terral Seed
- Tall plants with very good ear flex suitable for all single-row widths
- Prostrate lower canopy with semi-erect upper canopy
- Performs in high-yield environments and outstanding coastal adaptation
- Outstanding test weight and kernel density on medium-tall plant with medium ear height
- Good ear flex with excellent foliar disease package
- High performance potential product with stress tolerance
- Tall plant with very good ear flex
- Prostrate lower canopy with semi-erect upper canopy
- Outstanding coastal adaptation and performs in high yield environments
- Consistent sized semi-flex ear with very good grain quality
- Large canopy for single-wide row adaptation
- Good for silage potential
- Exceptional yield potential over wide area
- Taller plant type with excellent stalks and roots, average brittle snap
- Unique in lineup in regards to yield potential and maturity
- Best suited for moderately productive environments
- Medium-tall plant with very good stalks and roots
- Very good Southern movement for maturity and very good drought tolerance
- Excellent all-around performance in Mid- South
- Moves South well in high production environments
- Girthy ear with good test weight and above-average emergence in cooler soils
- Offensive product with exceptional top-end yield potential
- Very good stalks and roots • Very good drought tolerance
- Very good drydown and test weight
- Very high top-end yield potential
- Broad adaptability east to west
- Good Goss’ Wilt tolerance • Very good standability and greensnap tolerance
- New level of yield potential
- Good Goss’ Wilt tolerance and drought tolerance
- Very high top-end yield potential
- Broad adaptability east to west
- Very good standability and greensnap tolerance
- A 115 RM corn with very good agronomics
- Well adapted across irrigated and rainfed systems
- Excellent stalks and very good roots
- Very good staygreen and intactness
- Very good drought tolerance
DKC65-71 (115 RM)
- A widely adaptable product with high yield potential
- Very good overall stress tolerance but responds well to irrigation
- Good ear rot package
- Very girthy ears that maintain nice kernel depth under stress
DKC66-40 (115RM)
- Very good top-end yield potential
- Broadly adaptable in Coastal geographies
- Very good drought tolerance
- Dual-purpose potential
- A highly adaptable product in 115 and 120 RM zones
- Very good roots and stalks
- Excellent greensnap tolerance
- Very good staygreen and late season appearance
- Very good drought tolerance
NK Seeds
N59B Artesian (107 RM)
- Exceptional drought tolerance from Agrisure Artesian technology
- Maximizes yield when it rains; increases yield when it doesn’t
- Top-end yield potential makes this a great choice for highly managed acres
- Strong emergence and seedling vigor allows for early planting
N74L (114 RM)
- Sound agronomics for stability
- Solid emergence to start strong
- Very good drought tolerance to protect yield
- Moderate ear height and strong green snap tolerance
- Available as E-Z Refuge
N78C (118 RM)
- Tough hybrid for lower-yield environments
- Very good early season establishment characteristics
- Strong drought and heat tolerance
- Full flex ear type for low population environments
Mycogen Seeds
2Y744 (113 RM)
- Roundup Ready hybrid with excellent emergence and early vigor
- Solid stalks, excellent roots and large flex ear for top-end yields
- Good performance on highly managed acres and in favorable environments
2H877 (117 RM)
- SmartStax hybrid broadly adapted to the Mid-South
- Good late-season intactness and staygreen
- Consistent in both high-yield and stressful environments
2D848 (118 RM)
- SmartStax hybrid with good late-season intactness and staygreen
- Good yield performer in loam soil types, following soybeans, and in conventional and no-till systems
P2089YHR (120 CRM)
- Impressive full-season, widely adapted, winning yield potential and good stability
- Very good stalks, excellent staygreen and strong mid-season brittle stalk resistance
- Exceptional ear flexability expands population options across soil types
- An Optimum Intrasect hybrid with 20 percent refuge
- Also available: Pioneer hybrid P2088R
P2023BVT (120 CRM)
- Full-season, heat-tolerant option with high yield potential for wellwatered environments
- Moderate stature with competitive stalks, superior roots
- Above average mid-season brittle stalk resistance
- Good southern leaf blight resistance
- Expanded insect spectrum option with 20 percent reduced refuge
P1739YHR (117 CRM)
- Full-season, maximum yield potential option across the Delta and Mid-South
- Above average grain quality • Suited for the silt loam soil where stand establishment is critical
- An Optimum Intrasect hybrid with 20 percent refuge, excellent stalk strength and moderate grain quality
- Also available: Pioneer hybrid P1739R
P1794VYHR (117 CRM)
- New, full-season Optimum Leptra hybrid well suited for high-yield irrigated environments
- Offers above average root strength and good northern leaf blight resistance
- Expanded insect protection with 20 percent reduced refuge
P1637VYHR (116 CRM)
- New, full-season Optimum Leptra hybrid with proven yield stability
- Outstanding performance on sandy, pivot-irrigated fields
- Good foliar leaf disease package
- Good stalks, superior roots and above average grain quality
- Expanded insect protection with 20 percent reduced refuge
- Also available: Pioneer hybrids P1637R and P1637YHR
P1685YHR (116 CRM)
- Established mid-maturity option for maximum and moderate yield environments
- An Optimum Intrasect hybrid with 20 percent refuge, solid root and moderate stalk strength
- Performs well on the wet-natured rice soils and the loamy sands • Average tolerance to northern leaf blight
P1690YHR (116 CRM)
- Mid-maturity, widely adapted hybrid for moderate and high yields
- Suited for pivot-irrigated situations on coarse-textured Delta soils
- Above average rating for stalks and roots; moderate plant and ear height
- An Optimum Intrasect hybrid with 20 percent refuge
- Also available: Pioneer hybrid P1690R
P1498YHR (114 CRM)
- Optimum AQUAmax hybrid for low and moderate yield environments
- Improved drought tolerance during flowering and grain fill
- Fits stress areas and limited irrigation environments
- Fast early growth and early flowering for maturity
- An Optimum Intrasect hybrid with 20 percent refuge
- Also available: Pioneer hybrid P1498R
P1319HR (113 CRM)
- Early to mid-maturity Southern leader with stable yield potential
- Suited for medium-to-good soils under dry land management or lighter irrigated soils
- Very good ear flex ability allows moderate populations for drought-prone soils and moderately high populations in productive environments
- Solid root strength in tall statured product
- Also available: Pioneer hybrid P1319R
P1303HR (113 CRM)
- Strong agronomics featuring good northern leaf blight resistance
- Excellent grain quality option with very high test weight, good Fusarium ear rot resistance and above average heat and drought tolerance
- Ideally suited for placement under irrigation and productive dryland situations in eastern coastal plains
- Limit areas prone to mid-season brittle stalk