Amvac acquires 4 herbicides from Corteva

AmVac logoAmerican Vanguard Corp. has acquired four herbicide brands from Corteva Agriscience.

They are Classic, First Rate, Hornet and Python WDG. The transaction includes acquisition of end-use registrations, commercial sales and marketing information, and finished goods inventory.

The products are tankmix partners for a variety of primary herbicides used in the U.S. agricultural market. They are particularly valuable for enhancing weed control performance against increasing numbers of resistant weed species, according to a news release.

Financial terms were not disclosed.

“Acquisition of these four brands from Corteva Agriscience provides our crop protection business with a strengthened portfolio of valuable herbicides that play an important role in weed control and resistance management,” Amvac Chairman and CEO Eric Wintemute said in a news release. “These brands broaden our U.S. herbicide offering in soybeans, corn, peanuts and a number of other niche crop markets.”

• First Rate contains the active ingredient, cloransulam, and controls a number of broadleaf weeds in field corn and soybeans. It belongs to the WSSA Group 2, or ALS, herbicides.

• Python contains the active ingredient, flumetsulam, and is labeled for a number of broadleaf weeds, including pigweed, in corn and soybeans. It is a WSSA Group 2, or ALS, herbicide.

• Hornet is a premix registered for field corn that contains the active ingredients, flumetsulam and clopyralid. They are WSSA Groups 4 and 2 herbicides, respectively. They are labeled for a number of broadleaf weeds.

• Classic, which contains the active ingredient, chlorimuron, provides post-emergence residual control of a number of broadleaf weeds, including morningglory, and velvetleaf and yellow nutsedge in soybeans and peanuts. It is a Weed Science Society of America Group 2, or ALS, herbicide.


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