EPA approves non-selective herbicide, desiccant from Helm Agro

Helm logoThe Environmental Protection Agency has registered Reviton herbicide from Helm Agro US Inc. for use as a desiccant and non-selective preplant burndown in field corn, cotton, soybeans and wheat.

A PPO-inhibitor herbicide, it contains the branded active ingredient, Tergeo. It belongs to the chemical family, Pyrimidinedione, a Group 14.

In more than 700 North American product development trials and regulatory studies, Reviton has demonstrated promising performance ratings in burndown control for more than 50 broadleaf and grass weeds, including ALS-, triazine- and glyphosate-resistant species, according to a news release.

Additional characteristics include an ultra-low use rate, tankmix compatibility, crop rotational flexibility and expanded use as a desiccant for cotton. The new product is also fast acting with herbicidal effects occurring within 24 hours after application.

Reviton will be formulated as a suspension concentrate containing 2.83 pounds of active ingredient per gallon.

Tergeo is a new molecule discovered by Farm Hannong, a Korean agrochemical company, and developed and registered by ISK Biosciences Corp., a subsidiary of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd. for use in the United States.

Earlier this year, Helm Agro US and ISK Biosciences agreed to collaborate on the distribution of Reviton herbicide for the U.S. crop protection market.

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