Mississippi State issues corn hybrid trial results, recommended 2021 hybrids

corn hybridsMississippi State University annually conducts Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials which are an extremely valuable resource for you to help select corn hybrids for your farm – MAFES Corn Hybrid Trials. These hybrid trials are typically grown in eight or more locations representing different growing regions, cropping systems and soil types in our state.

The primary benefit of this program is that there is no other source that tests as many hybrids representing the diversity of companies who market corn seed in Mississippi and the Mid-South. In fact, over 84 corn hybrids were evaluated this year. Most importantly, these trials are third-party evaluations using sound methodology, so you can compare hybrid performance on a level playing field.

This hybrid testing program depends upon voluntary participation, so if you appreciate this information produced or would like to see additional hybrids tested, please contact your seed company representative, and encourage their participation. Mississippi State University is committed to serving Mississippi growers, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to contact myself as well.

This publication lists those corn hybrids which have demonstrated superior grain yield productivity in either irrigated or dryland culture in the Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials. Hybrids are listed in order of historical yield performance.

These trials are conducted using replicated research data generated from multiple locations and cropping seasons in order to thoroughly analyze hybrid genetics grown in diverse environments and improve predictability of future performance. This is a great starting point and barometer for you to judge performance of the numerous corn hybrids in today’s marketplace.

The best choices for your farm may also depend upon hybrid plant characteristics and growth responses in our diverse environment, soils and cropping systems.

We also conduct a Corn Hybrid Demonstration program to more thoroughly assess corn hybrid characteristics and enhance evaluation of elite hybrids in our diverse cropping systems. Following is a link to the 2020 Yield Summaries from the Corn Hybrid Demonstration Program.

2021 MSU Corn Hybrid Suggestions
Mississippi State University contributed this article.

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