New Products & Equipment

CS Oct 10 CoverCheck out herbicides, seed treatments
and a new corn head

New Corn Heads Boost Harvest Capacity

Frontier Equipment offers two wide-row corn heads, the CH2208 eight-row (pictured at right) and the CH2112 twelve-row with new design features to increase harvest capacity in the field.

“The CH2208 and CH2112 offer wide-row capabilities in 36-inch and 38-inch spacing,” says Tom Elliott, manager, product marketing, Frontier Equipment. “Both corn heads were designed to handle higher-yielding corn whether harvesting in standing, down or leaning crops.”

The corn heads feature an 18-inch diameter cross auger that provides unmatched crop handling capacity. Reverse auger flighting lessens ear tossing and improves dry-trash feeding. Dual auger strippers also reduce grass, vine or wet downed corn from wrapping around the auger. For more information, see your local John Deere dealer or visit

Herbicides Released

Valent plans to introduce Fierce herbicide for corn and soybeans in 2011. Jamie Nielson, Valent brand manager, says Fierce has shown the longest-lasting residual control – as much as eight weeks – against tough or glyphosate-resistant weeds, such as Palmer amaranth, marestail, common ragweed and lambsquarters, as well as annual grasses. Fierce also has shown overall increased consistency in the field.
Fierce can be applied in the fall or also in the spring up to seven days before planting corn.

MANA Crop Protection will launch Ironclad and Adapt herbicides for control of many tough broadleaf and grass weeds in corn. MANA’s Dave Downing says Ironclad is a very flexible herbicide that can be applied by ground or air in a wide application window. It’s a good choice for conventional corn or herbicide-tolerant corn and will take out some resistant biotypes.

Adapt, with the same active ingredient as Accent, also may be applied by ground or air. Aerial applications of Ironclad and Adapt are not permitted in California or New York state.

4-Way Seed Treatment

Syngenta Seedcare has announced that Maxim Quattro seed treatment fungicide, a four-way formulation, will build upon a proven portfolio of corn seed treatments by combining the active ingredients of Apron XL (mefenoxam), Maxim 4FS (fludioxonil) and Dynasty (azoxystrobin) seed treatment fungicides with thiabendazole, a new active ingredient for seed treatment on corn. This fourth mode of action will broaden the wide spectrum of disease protection already offered by the Syngenta Seedcare portfolio. The new chemistry is systemic and cleans up surface and internal pathogens to produce stronger, healthier plants from day one.

Maxim Quattro will guard against seed- and soil-borne diseases and offer protection against a broad spectrum of Fusarium species including, Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium verticilliodides, to help decrease mycotoxin levels. Mycotoxins are a result of a toxic chemical produced by Fusarium. If left unchecked, it can severely diminish crop quality.

Maxim Quattro will be sold as a component of Avicta Complete Corn or CruiserMaxx 250 Corn insecticide/fungicide, both of which are combinations of separately registered seed treatment products, and will be available on a limited basis for the 2011 planting season.

For more information, go to

Bayer/Monsanto Offering

Available exclusively with Monsanto’s Acceleron Seed Treatment Products for corn, Poncho/VOTiVO seed treatment from Bayer CropScience combines the corn seed-applied insecticide with a new living-barrier approach to nematode protection. Bayer data shows that the 500 rate of Poncho delivers increased control of wireworm, black cutworm, white grub and other early season pests.

“Farmers will have a choice that includes this innovative nematode control technology when they choose Genuity traits optimized with Acceleron,” says Brad Griffith, Monsanto’s global seed treatment lead.

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